# Schemas

A Grax schema is just an Elixir struct. In a traditional application, backed by a relational data model, you want to work with Elixir structs with the values from the relational database. You'll probably do this traditionally in Elixir with Ecto, by defining some Ecto.Schemas for the domain entities of your business. Grax.Schemas are similar to Ecto.Schemas, they both map the data to Elixir structs with some semantics on top of them, like a type system etc.

But while Ecto maps data from relational databases, Grax maps data from graph databases to Elixir structs. Graph databases are based on the graph data model, which has less technical friction between the conceptual model of the humans and the data model for the machine as it is perfectly demonstrated here (opens new window). By reducing the barrier between your conceptual models and the data models for your application, you have less to think about technical details and can spend more time on thinking about the actual domain model of the business problems your application has to solve. You might have already got a feel of this, when working with GraphQL, where you simply define the nested schemas of a tree.

How does a Grax.Schema definition look like? As an example, let's assume we have an RDF graph like this, which we want to map to Elixir structs with Elixir values for an Elixir application:

@prefix : <http://example.com/> .
@prefix schema: <https://schema.org/> .
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .

    a schema:Person, :PremiumUser ;
    schema:name "Jane" ;
    schema:email "jane@example.com", "jane@work.com" ;
    foaf:age 30 ;
    schema:address [
      schema:addressCountry "de"
      schema:addressLocality "Berlin"
    ] .

    schema:name "Lorem" ;
    schema:author :User1 ;
    schema:articleBody """Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Provident, nihil, dignissimos. Nesciunt aut totam eius. Magnam quaerat modi vel sed, ipsam atque rem, eos vero ducimus beatae harum explicabo labore!""" .

A Grax schema struct for the User model of an application on this type of data could be defined with the schema/1 macro of the Grax.Schema module like this:

defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  schema do
    # ...

This will define a struct on the User module. Although this struct doesn't have any user-defined fields for the domain model of our application yet, this could already represent an RDF graph node, since every Grax.Schema struct has at least an internal __id__ field, which contains the RDF.IRI or RDF.BlankNode, mapping to a graph node. It also contains an __additional_statements__ field, which keeps the statements about the subject with properties not part of the Grax schema as a map with the predicate-objects pairs.

So, an instance of this struct would look like this:

alias NS.EX

%User{__id__: RDF.iri(EX.User1), __additional_statements__: %{}}
%Address{__id__: ~B<Address1>, __additional_statements__: %{}}

The structs in the __id__ field from RDF.ex are the only RDF-related values you'll see in a Grax schema struct. The __id__ field should be treated similarly as the internal __struct__ field of Elixir structs: use it maybe for pattern matching, but don't touch it directly (other than via functions exposed by the API).

More on the treatment of additional statements in the API chapter. For the rest of this chapter, we won't show the __additional_statements__ field anymore.


The schema macro can be considered equal to a defstruct in that it allows to define every struct which can be defined with it. Under the hood it will produce the defstruct call as the first line of the generated code, which means you can use all types of annotations before the schema macro that can be used before a defstruct, eg. @derive annotations etc.

But without any fields this isn't very interesting.

# Properties

As opposed to the term "field" used for the elements of Elixir structs and Ecto.Schemas, we are calling the elements of the Grax.Schema struct properties, because we're mapping them to RDF properties. Unlike for fields of an Ecto schema, we'll not just have to provide a name atom for our property fields, but also a URI for the RDF property.

So, a property definition on a Grax schema is done in the body of a schema/1 block with the property/3 macro and the property field name and a RDF property URI as the first two arguments.

defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  schema do
    property :name, ~I<http://example.com/property>

This will add an additional field on the Grax schema struct with the given name. The URI of the RDF property will be backed into the Grax schema struct. You won't have to deal with the URIs of the RDF properties furthermore. It will be automatically used for the mapping from and to RDF.

The URI can be given in any form the RDF.IRI.new/1 constructor of RDF.ex can create IRIs from, including IRIs directly (eg. via IRI sigils), strings or terms from an RDF.ex vocabulary namespace.

defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.SchemaOrg

  schema do
    property :name, SchemaOrg.name


We'll constantly use terms from RDF.ex vocabulary namespaces. These are modules and functions on these modules, which can be used instead of URIs in the Elixir code. If you're new to RDF.ex, you can read more about this here.

You can also define properties in a more concise form with the property/1 macro:

defmodule Example do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.SchemaOrg

  schema do
    property name: SchemaOrg.name

In this form the first keyword list element has this special meaning of a field name to property URI pair.

All of these definition forms lead to structs like this:

  __id__: RDF.iri(EX.User1), 
  name: "Jane"

The property is accessible as a usual field name of the struct, but has an exact RDF interpretation implicitly through the internal mapping to an RDF property identifier. These minimal forms without any further type specifications are already valid property definitions in Grax. Unlike an Ecto schema, where every field requires a type, for a Grax schema the types are optional, just as RDF and most other graph models are at its core schema-free data models with optional types later on.

But before we bring types into the game, we'll have to differentiate two general kinds of properties:

  1. Data properties, whose values we want to map to simple Elixir values, like strings and integers etc.
  2. Link properties (the object properties of OWL), whose IRI or blank node values should be mapped to recursively nested Grax.Schema structs.

Despite having very different kinds of values, there's one type dichotomy across both kinds of properties. We can have single values or sets of values.

By default it is assumed that the value of every property is unique, unless specified otherwise. If multiple values are allowed, a list type can be specified with the list_of type constructor function, which expects the type of its elements. The values will then be kept in a list accordingly. If you want to specify that a property can have multiple values of any datatype you can use the list function.

With that we can extend our example mapping schema like this:

defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.{SchemaOrg, FOAF}

  schema do
    property :name, SchemaOrg.name, type: :string
    property :emails, SchemaOrg.email, type: list_of(:string)

Both email addresses from our example can now be represented in our User struct:

  __id__: RDF.iri(EX.User1),
  name: "Jane",
  emails: ["jane@example.com", "jane@work.com"]


Although ordered lists are used for multiple values, the order is irrelevant since the values have no particular order in RDF. You should not rely on any particalur order. Similarly, as the values are essentially sets, duplicates are not allowed. They will be removed automatically.

# Data properties

# Datatypes

The optional type specifications on our two kinds of properties are fundamentally different. The types of data properties defined with the property macros can be specified by providing the name of a datatype with the :type keyword.

defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.{SchemaOrg, FOAF}

  schema do
    property :name, SchemaOrg.name, type: :string
    property :emails, SchemaOrg.email, type: list_of(:string)
    property :age, FOAF.age, type: :integer

The specified datatype defines what value a data property can have and which RDF datatype the produced literals for the RDF property should have. The functions for working with these structs will validate these type definitions as described in the Grax API section.

The User structs now look like this:

  __id__: RDF.iri(EX.User1),
  name: "Jane",
  emails: ["jane@example.com", "jane@work.com"],
  age: 30

The types are given as atoms which correspond to the respective RDF.ex literal datatypes. Since RDF.ex implements the main parts of the XSD datatype system, a fairly rich set of types of values is type-derivation-aware available.

Grax datatype RDF.ex literal datatype
:any_uri RDF.XSD.AnyURI
:base64_binary RDF.XSD.Base64Binary
:boolean RDF.XSD.Boolean
:byte RDF.XSD.Byte
:date RDF.XSD.Date
:date_time RDF.XSD.DateTime
:decimal RDF.XSD.Decimal
:double RDF.XSD.Double
:float RDF.XSD.Float
:int RDF.XSD.Int
:integer RDF.XSD.Integer
:long RDF.XSD.Long
:negative_integer RDF.XSD.NegativeInteger
:non_negative_integer RDF.XSD.NonNegativeInteger
:non_positive_integer RDF.XSD.NonPositiveInteger
:positive_integer RDF.XSD.PositiveInteger
:short RDF.XSD.Short
:string RDF.XSD.String
:time RDF.XSD.Time
:unsigned_byte RDF.XSD.UnsignedByte
:unsigned_int RDF.XSD.UnsignedInt
:unsigned_long RDF.XSD.UnsignedLong
:unsigned_short RDF.XSD.UnsignedShort


The XSD date and time datatypes support also optional timezones, which are not supported by Elixir's Date and Time structs. Such date and time values with timezones are represented as tuples consisting of the Date and Time struct value and a string with the timezone, such as {~D[2020-12-24], "+01:00"} or {~T[00:00:00], "Z"}.

Above these there are a couple of special datatypes:

  • The :any datatype is the default when no datatype is specified with the :type keyword or is assumed for the the elements when using the list type constructor function. It means the property can contain values of any datatype. The datatype mapping from Elixir values to XSD datatypes as described in the table here is applied in this case.

  • The :numeric datatype behaves similar to the :any datatype, but limits the values to those of numeric datatypes.

  • The :iri datatype can be used if IRIs should be kept as they are, which is useful when they shouldn't be mapped to nested mapping structs.

# Default values

Default values for the data properties can be defined with the :default option. Its value is used as the default value of the Elixir struct. If not specified otherwise, the default value will be nil, just like the default value on any Elixir struct, for single value properties. But for properties with multiple values it will be the empty list by default.

Generally, if a :type is defined, the :default value must match this datatype. Otherwise it won't compile.

Now, back to our two kinds of properties, we'll see how link properties are mapped to other Grax schemas.

Link properties, in the following sometimes called more shortly links, are the edges of an RDF graph between the inner nodes with URIs or blank nodes, as opposed to data properties which are the edges to leaf nodes with RDF literals. Other than for data properties, the actual value of a link property with a node identifier is not of primary interest, but it's the description of the thing the identifier refers to. So, the values of link properties are not the URIs or blank nodes in the object position of an RDF statement, but another Grax schema with the properties from the RDF description of the linked resource.

Just like the relational associations in Ecto are mapped to the struct fields through another Ecto schema for the associated table, the linked resources of a root resource are embedded into the struct in the respective field, where the properties of the linked resource are kept, potentially linking to other resources. So, the links allow us to traverse the nodes of a graph, as a tree structure down from a root resource and its fields of nested Grax.Schema structs.

A Grax link can be defined in a Grax schema definition with another macro specifically for link properties: the link/3 macro. It has almost the same interface as the property/3 macro. The first two arguments are again for the name and IRI of the property. The :type option however has a different meaning and is no longer optional. It must be the module name of another Grax.Schema struct.


defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.SchemaOrg

  schema do
    property :name, SchemaOrg.name, type: :string, required: true
    property :emails, SchemaOrg.email, type: list_of(:string), required: true
    property :age, FOAF.age, type: :integer

    link :address, SchemaOrg.address, type: Address

defmodule Address do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.SchemaOrg

  schema do
    property :country, SchemaOrg.addressCountry, type: :string
    property :city, SchemaOrg.addressLocality, type: :string
    property :street, SchemaOrg.streetAddress, type: :string

Just like the property macro, there is also a link/1 variant, allowing to define the link more succinctly.

defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.SchemaOrg

  schema do
    link address: SchemaOrg.address, type: Address

So, our User struct now looks like this:

  __id__: RDF.iri(EX.User1),
  name: "Jane",
  emails: ["jane@example.com", "jane@work.com"],
  age: 30,
  address: %Address{
    __id__: RDF.blank_node("b1"),
    country: "de",
    city: "Berlin",
    street: nil

While you have to deal in Ecto with the relational data model with different types of associations and mappings in the relational data model (1-to-1, 1-to-n, n-to-m, with an implicit or explicit join-schema etc.), the graph data model just has edges with different kinds of cardinalities, which are in Grax mapped to either single values or a list of multiple values, just like data properties, only that it's now single or multiple schema structs for the linked nodes. Just as for data properties single linked schema structs are assumed unless the list type is set on the :type keyword with the list_of function and the module name of the schema.

defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.{SchemaOrg, FOAF}

  schema do
    property :name, SchemaOrg.name, type: :string, required: true
    property :emails, SchemaOrg.email, type: list_of(:string), required: true
    property :age, FOAF.age, type: :integer
    link address: SchemaOrg.address, type: Address
    link friends: FOAF.friend, type: list_of(User)

But as you might see already with this link property, there's one problem we'll have to solve.

# Preloading

Preloading is the operation of populating a Grax.Schema struct by loading (mapping) the RDF descriptions of linked resources from an RDF graph into a tree structure over the linked property fields of a Grax.Schema recursively.

You might have already asked yourself, how the recursive traversal of the graph for loading the nested schema of a root node is done and can be controlled. For example on our friends link: How many levels of friends do we want to load and how do we handle circles?

There are potentially several useful preloading strategies, which should be implemented in possible future versions. For now, the only preloading strategy supported is a pretty simple one, the depth preloading strategy, where all of the properties and links up to a specified recursive depth are loaded.

The default behaviour for how deep the links of a mapping struct are loaded can be specified on a link definition with the :depth keyword of the depth preloading strategy and an integer for the preloading depth. But before we look at a use of the :depth keyword, let's see what happens if our address model would get further nested by decomposing one of its parts, eg. the country.

defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.SchemaOrg

  schema do
    property name: SchemaOrg.name, type: :string, required: true
    property emails: SchemaOrg.email, type: list_of(:string), required: true
    property age: FOAF.age, type: :integer

    link :address, SchemaOrg.address, type: Address

defmodule Address do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.SchemaOrg

  schema do
    property street: SchemaOrg.streetAddress, type: :string
    property city: SchemaOrg.addressLocality, type: :string

    link country: SchemaOrg.addressCountry, type: Country

defmodule Country do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias RDF.NS.RDFS
  alias NS.GeoNames

  schema do
    property name: RDFS.label, type: :string
    property code: GeoNames.countryCode, type: :string

The default value for :depth is 1. This means all of the data and object properties are loaded, including the nested Grax.Schema mapping with the descriptions of a linked resource, BUT NOT the linked Grax.Schema structs of these nested Grax.Schema structs. These would only be preloaded if the depth was larger than one. So, without a further specification of the preloading depth, our User struct would look like this:


  __id__: RDF.iri(EX.User1),
  name: "Jane",
  emails: ["jane@example.com", "jane@work.com"],
  age: 30,
  address: %Address{
    __id__: ~B"b1",
    city: "Berlin",
    street: nil,
    country: ~I<http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q183>

When loading a Grax.Schema struct, the fields for the links which are not loaded just have their node identifier as a value. If you've got a Grax.Schema struct with RDF.IRIs or RDF.BlankNodes like this on the link field and want to access the referenced recource, you'll have to do an explicit call of the Grax.preload/3 function described in the next chapter about the API.

But to ensure a proper processing of the Grax schema structs, which might expect certain fields in deeper layers of the struct, you don't want to check for these values and have to do a manual preload. In cases like this, you can enforce the depth of the preloading with the :depth keyword. This can be achieved in multiple ways.

The first approach might be to increase the depth on the address link to 2.


defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.SchemaOrg

  schema do
    property name: SchemaOrg.name, type: :string, required: true
    property emails: SchemaOrg.email, type: list_of(:string), required: true
    property age: FOAF.age, type: :integer

    link :address, SchemaOrg.address, type: Address, depth: 2

defmodule Address do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.SchemaOrg

  schema do
    property street: SchemaOrg.streetAddress, type: :string
    property city: SchemaOrg.addressLocality, type: :string

    link country: SchemaOrg.addressCountry, type: Country

Given respective data in a source graph our User struct could now look like this:


  __id__: RDF.iri(EX.User1),
  name: "Jane",
  emails: ["jane@example.com", "jane@work.com"],
  age: 30,
  address: %Address{
    __id__: ~B"b1",
    city: "Berlin",
    street: nil,
    country: %Country{
      __id__: ~I<http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q183>,
      name: "Germany",
      code: "DE"

But we would get this result only if the User struct is the root resource. A normal preloading depth integer value is interpreted against the root element. This means, when loading the schema from a graph, only the specified :depth of the root resource is relevant. The :depth specified in the schema of a linked resource is not taken into account and doesn't increase the overall preloading depth. This can be achieved however, by specifying a preloading depth with a plus sign before the :depth integer value, like depth: +1 . This additive preloading depth will ensure that these resources are preloaded with the specified level even when the :depth of the outer schema would specify otherwise. So, this essentially overwrites the preloading depth specification of the parent schema.

Back to our example, when we generally expect that code dealing with an address in our application is interested in the properties of the country, we want to achieve that the country is always preloaded with the address, independent of whether it is preloaded as part of another resource. This can be specified with an additive preloading depth.



defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.SchemaOrg

  schema do
    property name: SchemaOrg.name, type: :string, required: true
    property emails: SchemaOrg.email, type: list_of(:string), required: true
    property age: FOAF.age, type: :integer

    link :address, SchemaOrg.address, type: Address

defmodule Address do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.SchemaOrg

  schema do
    property street: SchemaOrg.streetAddress, type: :string
    property city: SchemaOrg.addressLocality, type: :string

    link country: SchemaOrg.addressCountry, type: Country, depth: +1

If all link properties of a schema should have the same preloading depth, the :depth keyword can also be specified on the use Graph.Schema call.




defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.SchemaOrg

  schema do
    property name: SchemaOrg.name, type: :string, required: true
    property emails: SchemaOrg.email, type: list_of(:string), required: true
    property age: FOAF.age, type: :integer

    link :address, SchemaOrg.address, type: Address

defmodule Address do
  use Grax.Schema, depth: +1

  alias NS.SchemaOrg

  schema do
    property street: SchemaOrg.streetAddress, type: :string
    property city: SchemaOrg.addressLocality, type: :string

    link country: SchemaOrg.addressCountry, type: Country

But additive preloading depths can lead to infinite preloading circles. This is prohibited by stopping with the preloading down a path, when the first already preloaded element on this path reoccurs.

This a pretty greedy preloading strategy. But in the first version, which is limited to working on in-memory RDF.ex graphs, where loading is quite fast and the data access doesn't require any further IO, this simple strategy gets us already quite far.

# Preloading resources without a description

What happens when we try to preload a link to a resource for which the graph we are loading from does not contain a description? By default, an empty version of the specified schema is preloaded in this case. This might be problematic especially when the schema of the link contains required properties. The option :on_missing_description option with the value :use_rdf_node allows to specify that preloading should be skipped in this case and the RDF node should be kept as a value instead.


defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.{SchemaOrg, FOAF}

  schema do
    property name: SchemaOrg.name, type: :string, required: true
    property emails: SchemaOrg.email, type: list_of(:string), required: true
    property age: FOAF.age, type: :integer
    link friends: FOAF.friend, type: list_of(User), 
         on_missing_description: :use_rdf_node

Sometimes we want to define a link on a Grax.Schema for which no RDF property exists directly. For example, in our data there is no property linking a user to a post directly. Instead there is the schema:authorproperty which links a post to its authors, so exactly the inverse property of what we want. You can specify a link property on a Grax.Schema in those cases by declaring it as an inverse property with a minus sign before the IRI of the inverse property.


defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.{SchemaOrg, FOAF}

  schema do
    property name: SchemaOrg.name, type: :string, required: true
    property emails: SchemaOrg.email, type: list_of(:string), required: true
    property age: FOAF.age, type: :integer
    link friends: FOAF.friend, type: list_of(User)
    link posts: -SchemaOrg.author, type: list_of(Post)

defmodule Post do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.SchemaOrg

  schema do
    property title: SchemaOrg.name(), type: :string
    property content: SchemaOrg.articleBody(), type: :string

    link author: SchemaOrg.author(), type: User

# Cardinalities

You can define the cardinality the values of data properties and links of a schema must have in order to be considered valid. For non-list properties there are just two possible cardinalities: 1 or 0..1 or, in other words, required or not, which can be specified with the :required option defaulting to false.

defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.{SchemaOrg, FOAF}

  schema do
    property name: SchemaOrg.name, type: :string, required: true
    property emails: SchemaOrg.email, type: list_of(:string)
    property age: FOAF.age, type: :integer

For list properties you can specify the cardinality on the list resp. list_of type constructor functions with the :card option. It can have

  • a single integer value for an exact cardinality,
  • an Elixir range value (like 1..3) for a cardinality with an lower and upper boundary,
  • or a {:min, n} tuple value with an integer for a minimal cardinality without an upper boundary
defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.{SchemaOrg, FOAF}

  schema do
    property name: SchemaOrg.name, type: :string, required: true
    property emails: SchemaOrg.email, type: list_of(:string, card: {:min, 1})
    property age: FOAF.age, type: :integer

The {:min, 1} cardinality can be specified also by using the :required option on a list type. So, this is equivalent to the former definition:

defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.{SchemaOrg, FOAF}

  schema do
    property name: SchemaOrg.name, type: :string, required: true
    property emails: SchemaOrg.email, type: list_of(:string), required: true
    property age: FOAF.age, type: :integer

# Class declarations

You can optionally specify that the individual Grax.Schema structs representing RDF resources should be instances of an RDFS class by providing its IRI as an argument of the schema macro.




defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  schema NS.SchemaOrg.Person do
    # ...  

defmodule Post do
  use Grax.Schema

  schema NS.SchemaOrg.BlogPosting do
    # ...  

defmodule Address do
  use Grax.Schema

  schema NS.SchemaOrg.PostalAddress do
    # ...  

Such a class declaration has the following effects:

  • When mapping a schema struct to RDF graphs, the existence of a class declaration leads to the production of a rdf:type statement accordingly.
  • The class declaration also plays a role in regards to link polymorphism, which is discussed below.

By default, the RDF description of a resource doesn't have to include a respective rdf:type to be loadable into a Grax.Schema struct. The behaviour what should happen with resources whose rdf:type doesn't match the declared class of the linked schema, however, can be configured with the :on_rdf_type_mismatch keyword option on a link definition and supports the following values:

  • :force (default value): use the linked schema anyway
  • :ignore: ignore these resources
  • :error: returns an error when such resources are encountered


When considering the :ignore and :error option, you should be aware that Grax has no RDFS reasoning capabilities, which limits their usage to the following scenarios:

  • The rdf:type of the data of interest always includes all relevant classes, e.g. because the inferable classes are materialized.
  • A complete mapping of the class inheritance hierarchy on Grax schemas is available, so we can rely on the schema inheritance awareness discussed in the next section.

# Schema inheritance

It is possible to derive a schema from an existing one. This has two effects:

  • All of the defined properties of the parent schema are inherited to the child schema.
  • The child schemas can be used as values of links with the parent schema as their type. This works also during preloading, provided that a corresponding class declaration is defined for the schema.
defmodule Customer do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.EX

  schema inherit: User do
    property since: EX.customerSince, type: :date
    link subscription: EX.subscribed, type: Subscription

If a class is also declared the following form is possible:

defmodule Customer do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.EX

  schema EX.Customer < User do
    property since: EX.customerSince, type: :date
    link subscription: EX.subscribed, type: Subscription

Multiple inheritance is also supported by providing the inherited schemas in a list.

Note, that the class must not necessarily be a subclass of the class of the inherited schema, although this might be the case often times.

If some of the inherited properties should be redefined with other characteristics, this can be done without any restrictions. They can have a different type or map to a completely different RDF property, although this might be confusing.

By default, all links behave polymorphic, which means not only the Grax schema specified on the :type of the link is allowed, but also inherited schemas. During preloading the class declaration is taken into account also, meaning that, after searching for all schemas matching the rdf:types according to the class declarations, the most specific schema inherited from the schema on the :type of the link is selected. If you don't want to deal with schemas of different types as values of a property, you can also disable this behaviour by setting the :polymorphic keyword option to false.

defmodule Customer do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.EX

  schema inherit: User do
    property since: EX.customerSince, type: :date
    link subscription: EX.subscribed, type: Subscription, polymorphic: false

This still means that on preloading, resources from subclasses are recognized as a valid type and don't lead to an error when :on_rdf_type_mismatch is set to :error, it only means you'll always get the same schema, independent of any actual rdf:types.


Note again, that Grax itself has no understanding of RDFS. The aforementioned recognition of inherited RDFS classes is only possible for classes which are associated with a schema and this schema is inherited from the schema specified as the preloaded links :type. This unawareness of RDFS is the reason why Grax defaults to on_rdf_type_mismatch: :force.

Links can also link different types of resources to different schemas. For this, the :type of a link property must be given as a map of class URIs to Grax schemas.

defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.{SchemaOrg, FOAF}

  schema do
    property name: SchemaOrg.name, type: :string, required: true
    property emails: SchemaOrg.email, type: list_of(:string), required: true
    property age: FOAF.age, type: :integer
    link friends: FOAF.friend, type: list_of(User)
    link posts: -SchemaOrg.author, type: list_of(%{
        SchemaOrg.BlogPosting => Post,
        SchemaOrg.Comment => Comment

defmodule Comment do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.SchemaOrg

  schema do
    property content: SchemaOrg.text(), type: :string

    link author: SchemaOrg.author(), type: User

So, depending on the rdf:type of the resource linked with a property, the specified schema is used. Other than for normal links, when a linked resource doesn't have any of the specified types, the resource is ignored by default, because :on_rdf_type_mismatch defaults to :ignore on union links. The reason for this is that union links do not have a unique scheme that could be enforced, so the :force option cannot be provided here. However, an equivalent behavior can be defined by providing a fallback in the type-schema mapping where nil is used as the key instead of a class URI. The schema associated with nil will then be used when none of the other class URI matches an rdf:type. When multiple classes of a linked resource are matching, you'll always get an error. You can also enforce an error in case with no matching rdf:type, by setting the :on_rdf_type_mismatch option to :error.


Inheritance awareness on union links is currently limited to the schemas within the schema. That means when schemas are in the union which are in an inheritance relation, the most specific schema according to the rdf:type will be selected during preloading. However, no schemas outside the union will be allowed, even when they are inherited from schemas within the union.

A workaround for cases when you want a polymorphic property which supports multiple schemas is to define a helper schema which is derived from all the schemas you would have used in the union and use this helper schema instead of the union.

# Custom fields

If you already have or want to define certain fields on a Grax.Schema struct, which should be ignored by the RDF mapping, you can define them with the field/1 macro.

defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.{SchemaOrg, FOAF}

  schema do
    property name: SchemaOrg.name, type: :string, required: true
    property emails: SchemaOrg.email, type: list_of(:string), required: true
    property age: FOAF.age, type: :integer
    field :password

The default value of a custom field can be specified optionally with the :default keyword.

# Custom mappings

Sometimes you want to perform more complex or simply non-default transformations when mapping RDF data to and from the Elixir structs of your application. Grax offers two ways to provide custom mapping logic for such cases.

# Property mapping functions

One approach is to define your own custom mapping functions for individual properties and register them on the property schema definition with the :from_rdf and :to_rdf options.

A from_rdf function must accept three arguments:

  1. The first argument is the list of the actual RDF values for the property for which the custom mapping was called. Note, that the function is only called when values for the property are present in the data.
  2. The second argument is the RDF.Description of the mapped resource, which can be used when the mapping depends on other properties of the resource description.
  3. The third argument is whole RDF.Graph from which the mapping is called, which can be used when the mapping depends on other statements of the graph.

When a mapping can be performed successfully the mapped value must be returned in an :ok tuple. Otherwise an :error tuple with the error must be returned.

A to_rdf function must accept two arguments:

  1. The first argument is the list of the actual values of the property from the struct for which the custom mapping was called.
  2. The second argument is the whole Grax struct, which can be used when the mapping depends on other properties of it.

The return value can be either:

  • a two-element :ok tuple with the mapped RDF values
  • a three-element :ok tuple with the mapped RDF values on second position and a list of additional RDF statements which should be added to the produced graph on the third position (the statements can be given in any form accepted by RDF.Graph.add/2)
  • an :error tuple with an error

For both custom mapping functions you can return nil as a value when no values should be produced by the mapping.

defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.{SchemaOrg, FOAF, EX}

  schema SchemaOrg.Person do
    property name: SchemaOrg.name, type: :string, required: true
    property emails: SchemaOrg.email, type: list_of(:string), required: true
    property age: FOAF.age, type: :integer

    property customer_type: RDF.type, 
             from_rdf: :customer_type_from_rdf,
             to_rdf: :customer_type_to_rdf
    field :password

    link friends: FOAF.friend, type: list_of(User)
    link posts: -SchemaOrg.author, type: list_of(Post)

  def customer_type_from_rdf(types, _description, _graph) do
    {:ok, if(RDF.iri(EX.PremiumUser) in types, do: :premium_user)}

  def customer_type_to_rdf(:premium_user, _user), do: {:ok, EX.PremiumUser}
  def customer_type_to_rdf(_, _), do: {:ok, nil}

Note, that if you provide both from_rdf and to_rdf functions, you can use any type of value on this property, even ones for which no corresponding datatype is supported.

Custom fields also support custom :from_rdf mappings. So, if you want to define a custom mapping to a field which should not be mapped back to RDF, you can do so with a custom field.

The mapping functions can also be defined in a separate module by providing a tuple of the module and function name on the :from_rdf and :to_rdf options.

defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.{SchemaOrg, FOAF, EX}

  schema SchemaOrg.Person do
    property name: SchemaOrg.name, type: :string, required: true
    property emails: SchemaOrg.email, type: list_of(:string), required: true
    property age: FOAF.age, type: :integer
    property customer_type: RDF.type, 
             from_rdf: {CustomMappings, :customer_type_from_rdf},
             to_rdf: {CustomMappings, :customer_type_to_rdf}
    field :password

    link friends: FOAF.friend, type: list_of(User)
    link posts: -SchemaOrg.author, type: list_of(Post)

defmodule CustomMappings do
  def customer_type_from_rdf(types, _description, _graph) do
    {:ok, if(RDF.iri(EX.PremiumUser) in types, do: :premium_user)}

  def customer_type_to_rdf(:premium_user, _user), do: {:ok, EX.PremiumUser}
  def customer_type_to_rdf(_, _), do: {:ok, nil}

# Callbacks

Another way to define custom mappings is possible with the on_load/3 and on_to_rdf/3 callbacks, which can be implemented on your Grax.Schema modules.

The on_load/3 callback is called whenever RDF data is loaded into a respective Grax.Schema struct, either directly via the load/2 function or indirectly through preloading (see the section on loading graphs for more on this) and allows to change or enrich the mapping. The function receives three arguments:

  1. The Grax.Schema struct filled with the default mapping.
  2. The RDF.Graph or RDF.Description which was passed to load/2 as the data source.
  3. The keyword options passed to load/2.

The result returned by the on_load/3 callback implementation will become the result of the initial load/2 call and should either an :ok tuple with Grax.Schema struct or an :error tuple.

The on_to_rdf/3 callback is called when the gets mapped to RDF with the Grax.to_rdf/2 function and receives three arguments also.

  1. The Grax.Schema struct to be mapped.
  2. The RDF.Graph with the already mapped data.
  3. The keyword options passed to Grax.to_rdf/2.

The result must be the updated or enriched RDF.Graph in an :ok tuple or an error tuple.

defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.{SchemaOrg, FOAF, EX}

  schema SchemaOrg.Person do
    property name: SchemaOrg.name, type: :string, required: true
    property emails: SchemaOrg.email, type: list_of(:string), required: true
    property age: FOAF.age, type: :integer

    field :customer_type
    field :password

    link friends: FOAF.friend, type: list_of(User)
    link posts: -SchemaOrg.author, type: list_of(Post)

  def on_load(user, graph, _opts) do
    if RDF.iri(EX.PremiumUser) in 
        List.wrap(get_in(graph, [user.__id__, RDF.type()])) do
      {:ok, %User{user | customer_type: :premium_user}}
      {:ok, user}

  def on_to_rdf(%User{customer_type: :premium_user} = user, graph, _opts) do
    {:ok, RDF.Graph.add(graph, [user.__id__, RDF.type(), EX.PremiumUser])}

  def on_to_rdf(user, graph, _opts), do: {:ok, graph}